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Award information

GCPA Care Awards 2024 Information

The Activity in Care Award                                                                                                     

This award will be given to an individual who has demonstrated that they can provide a needs led, varied and appropriate programme for clients, the nominee will show exceptional skills, creativity and responsibility in arranging activities.

The Carer of the Year Award (open to Domiciliary Care, Day Care and Care Home Staff only)

This award will recognise the vital role of the carer in providing quality care in domiciliary care, day care or a residential/nursing home. Evidence of dedication, client engagement and being responsive to client needs.

The Dementia Award 

Do you know someone who supports people living with Dementia, enabling them to lead fulfilled, meaningful lives? The award will be given to a nominee who has demonstrated making a difference to individuals and those around them, showing a high level of expertise and delivering real outcomes.

The Digital Care Award

This award will recognise the ever-expanding role that digital plays in social care. This award winner will be able to evidence inclusion of digital in harmony with physical care, being digital savvy and demonstrate use of digital to enhance personalisation of care. This is open to individuals, teams and organisations for nomination.

The End of Life Care Award

This award will recognise the invaluable contribution that is required when supporting an individual when nearing their end of their life. The winner of this award will demonstrate a commitment to understanding the individual and their loved ones needs in a holistic way, at a difficult time. The award winner will show compassion, understanding and a broad depth of quality of care and delivering their very best. Open to team or individual.

The Excellence in Social Care Training Award 

This will be awarded to an individual or team who make a difference to the development of staff, volunteers and/or family. They enable a greater understanding of individuals care needs. The winner will demonstrate the value of training and development to enable the raising of standards across the sector.

The Innovation in Social Care Award

This award is for an individual or a team who has shown that thinking outside the box can increase better outcomes for clients. The award winner will be one whose entry clearly shows a new idea, device or process that has had far reaching benefits for clients.

The Leadership Award

This award is for someone who leads a team and inspires the environment that they work in. The award will be made to an outstanding individual who has utilised their mentoring/coaching skills to influence their workforce and beyond. They will have demonstrated a high level of expertise in helping to manage the services that their company delivers.

The Newcomer Award

This award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate a member of staff who has joined the care sector for the first time, commenced a new role or has returned to the sector after at least two years away. Newcomers must have started their role in the period between 29/09/2023 – 01/09/2024.  The award winner will be the person who shows a good understanding of their role and has excellent people skills, has empathy and responsiveness, especially in emotional situations along with willingness and determination to take up fresh opportunities.

The Social Care Nurse of the Year Award (Open to anyone with a valid PIN)

This award will recognise the vital role of the Nurse in providing quality care in a social care organisation. Evidence of dedication, client engagement and being responsive to client needs will be demonstrated.

The Nutrition & Hydration Award

This award will be given to anyone who can demonstrate an exceptional knowledge and delivery of ensuring a well-balanced, nutritious and varied menu in a person-centred way. The nominee should be able to demonstrate through their skills how they contribute to the well-being of residents/clients.

The Outstanding Contribution Award (Open to anyone in the independent care sector)

The Outstanding Contribution Award will be made to the person that has gone above and beyond their role and delivered excellent service. The specification of this award is deliberately open to enable those nominating to detail the reason they believe their nominee has made an outstanding contribution to adult social care.

The Provider Award

This award seeks to honour the dedication and understanding of working in a highly pressurised industry. As an organisation they support their staff, clients, relatives and other professionals to ensure the highest possible standards and positive well-being, through innovation and going the extra mile.

The Support Worker of the Year Award (open to Autism/Learning Disabilities/Mental Health Staff only)

This award will recognise the vital role of the support worker in providing quality care in a person-centred way to achieve meaningful outcomes for every individual they work with. Each nomination will have evidence of dedication, client engagement and innovative thinking in an organic way.

The Team of the Year Award

The award will be won by a team who have made a real difference to their clients by developing and maintaining an excellent standard of care from any area of the care market.

The Unsung Hero Award

The winner of this award could be anyone in social care. It will be awarded to an individual who has shown dedication and passion to make a difference. It is someone who you think is worthy of an award but until now there has never been one to nominate them for.

The Volunteer of the Year Award

The winner of this award will be a volunteer that has shown amazing dedication and passion for their role, contributing to the effective running of a care setting out of the kindness of their hearts.