01452 767664

Care Awards Nomination Entry Pack and Guidance

GCPA Care Awards 2024 – Nomination Pack

Entry Form & Guidance

Nominations for the 2024 Care Awards are now closed.

We have received the most nominations in the Awards’ history, so thank you to everyone who got involved this year.

Nominees will now be contacted ahead of the judging day on 12th and 13th September 2024.

The awards evening will take place on Friday 4th October 2024 at Cheltenham Racecourse, you can purchase tickets for the event by following this link.

There will be no finalists for 2024, therefore there will be no free tickets issued. If you have been nominated for one or more award, you must purchase a ticket to attend the event.

For more information on the parameters of each award please click here. 

How to enter a nominee

  • The awards are free to enter, regardless of GCPA Membership status.
  • Choose the category for which you wish to nominate; if you are entering more than one nominee or category, please do so using separate entry forms.
  • Read this nomination guidance carefully.
  • Please ensure that the nominee’s details are completed on the Entry Form.
  • Please ensure that your details are completed on the Entry Form.
  • Write an account to describe why your chosen nominee deserves to be nominated.
  • Complete the Entry Form in full.
  • Late entries beyond 23:59 on 1st September 2024 will not be accepted.

Rules for entry

  • The awards are open to all staff working within Gloucestershire independent care sector, regardless of Membership to GCPA, including Gloucestershire County Council members of staff running ‘provider service’ i.e. Cathedral View
  • Nominations can be received from anyone wishing to nominate; colleagues, peers, service users, relatives of service users, visiting professionals etc.
  • Entries must be made on the official Entry Form; no other methods will be accepted; any supporting evidence can be presented at the interview stage but not at entrance nomination point. Any supplied at nomination point will be discarded.
  • Entries must be completed on GCPA’s website.
  • Multiple entries are acceptable but must be made on separate entry forms.
  • Finalists will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony on 4th October 2024.
  • GCPA Board Members and staff are not entitled to be nominated, although they are eligible to nominate.
  • All eligible nominees that attend the judging day in each category will be made finalists, with the overall winner announced on Friday 4th October 2024.
  • Award winners and finalists may choose to publicise in any media and promotional material that they are finalists or winners. Logos will be supplied after the judging day via email.
  • The judging will take place on 12th and 13th September 2024. This will be via a short interview, all nominees will be invited to the short interview (approx. 20 minutes) and nominated teams may send no more than two people to the judging interview. Please note: photographs will be taken of all nominees for use at the Care Awards Gala Dinner on 4th October 2024.
  • The Judging Panel will consist of independent judges who have or currently work within or as a partner in Health and Social Care.
  • No nominees should have any ongoing disciplinary actions against them at the time of nomination. Any disciplinary action taken against a nominee before the ceremony must be reported to the GCPA Chief Officer in confidence. Failure to report could result in a withdrawal of the nomination.
  • GCPA reserve the right to revoke nomination at any point in the nomination process and will not be held responsible for the publication of any information contained that is incorrect or intentionally omitted during the nomination process.
  • Please note, nominees will not receive free tickets to the awards ceremony and tickets will need to be purchased in full. You can do so here.

If you have queries around eligibility and the nomination pack, please email info@gcpa.co.uk or speak to a member of the GCPA team on 01452 767664